Romantic sms Clollection-05

Romantic sms-21

I would cross a thousand oceans just 2 hold u tight. I would climb a thousand mountains just 2 be with u every single night. Darling I Love u so much.

Romantic sms-22

I ask God 4 a rose n he gave me a Garden;
I ask God 4 water n he gave me an ocean;
I ask God 4 Love n he gave me u.

Romantic sms-23

If I never met u, I wouldn't like u. If I didn't like u, I wouldn't love u. If I didn't love u, I wouldn't miss u. But I did, I do, and I will.

Romantic sms-24

I finally understand past, present and future tenses correctly today. I loved u. I love u. I will love u forever!

Romantic sms-25

Set a place 4 me in your heart and not in your mind 4 the mind easily forgets but the heart always remembers. I love u.

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