35) Cool SMS Collection-05

Cool sms-41.

Smooth roads never make good drivers!
Smooth sea never makes good sailors!
Clear Skies never make good pilots!
Problem free life never makes a strong & good person!
Be strong enough 2 accept the challengers of life.

Cool sms-42.

Those innocent eyes,
those kissable lips,
a great smile the perfect walk,
smoothest talk, absolute gorgeous,
thats enough about me …
How about u ?

Cool sms-43.

Simple Bye makes us cry,
Simple joke makes us Laugh,
Simple care makes us fall in Luv,
Simple Touch makes us feel better,
But I hope my simple sms makes U smile!

Cool sms-44.

A word 2 say, a word 2 hear,
Even in Ur absence I feel U near,
Our relation is strong..hope it goes long,
we will remain the same till the life goes on!

Cool sms-45.

Wonderful Couples in this World..
Heart & Beats..
Night & Moon..
Music & Songs..
Roses & Loves..
Fish & Water..

Cool sms-46.

If u drop me I ill break
if u hold me I ill shake
if u need me I ill hurry,
if u don’t call me I ill worry
if u hurt me I ill cry
but if u leave me I ill die.

Cool sms-47.

Hi, now I am coming 2 meet u…
in the way of sun light…
in the way of sweet breeze…
in the way of good wishes…
just 2 say have a nice day ahead…

Cool sms-48.

A smile gives red colour 2 ur cheeks,
White 2 ur teeth,
Pink colour 2 ur lips,
Silver colour 2 ur eyes,
So keep smiling,
& enjoy the colours of life.

Cool sms-49.

Future is Not something U Await!
It is something U Must Create!
Plan ur Future in Advance coz that where
U will Spend the Rest of ur Life!

Cool sms-50.

Some Flowers Grow Best in the Sun,
Others do well in Shadow.
God Knows What is Best 4 us
& Puts us Where We Grow Best.

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