7) Jocks SMS Collection-01

Jock sms-1.

Father 2 son:
whenever I beat u,
u don’t get annoyed,
how u control ur anger?
Son: I start cleaning the toilet
with ur toothbrush

Joke sms- 2.

Principle said 2 Students:
U People Must Sleep At least 7 Hours A Day.
Impossible Sir!
College Is Only 4 6 Hours!

Joke sms- 3.

How did an intelligent boy propose 2 girl ,
he took the girl along with him on a boat and
at the middle of river said “Marry me or leave the boat”

Joke sms- 4.

Degrees of girls!
B.A.-Beautiful Angel
B.Sc.-Beautiful Structure
B.Com-Beautiful Communication
M.B.A.-Married But Awesome.

Joke sms- 5.

Teacher: how do u differentiate “wife” & “mother”
before marriage we sleep with “mother” &
after marriage we sleep with our “wife”.

Joke sms- 6.

Commerce professor asks the student:
what is the most important source
of finance 4 starting business?
Student: “Father in law”

Joke sms- 7.

A man on the phone:
Doctor my wife is pregnant. She is having pain right now.
Doctor: Is this her first child?
Man: No this is her husband speaking…

Joke sms- 8.

An Employee sent SMS 2 his BOSS:
I am sick
Boss SMS back:
“When I am sick I kiss my wife, try it”
2 hours later employee SMS 2 boss:
“I m OK, ur wife is very sweet”

Joke sms- 9.

Q: “Have u ever read Shakespeare?”
boy: “No, who wrote it?”

Joke sms- 10.

woman: “I made my husband a millionaire.”
Her friend:”And what was he b4 u married him?
Woman: “A billionaire.”

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